to the LSU Minden Main Street Workshop. Students and faculty from the LSU School of Architecture will be working and living in Minden for two weeks to provide assistance to Minden Louisiana Main Street in their efforts to cultivate a resilient community. This program is funded in part through a grant awarded to the LSU Office of Community Design and Development from the National Endowment for the Arts. The Minden Main Street Workshop is the first in a series of workshops to connect environmentally responsible design practices with historic preservation strategies to accelerate sustainable development in Louisiana's small towns and cities. For more information, please contact the Office of Community Design and Development.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Post with your phone!

If you have an iPhone (or any other smartphone with mms/sms available), you can post to this blog! Simply follow these steps:

1a. Text register to BLOGGR (256-447). You will get a response saying
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1b. Email the word register to go@blogger.com with no subject. You will get a very similar response.
2. Go to go.blogger.com and enter your code (and captcha).
3. If you haven't signed in yet, please do so. If you have, click continue as this user.
4. Select the "option and click continue.
5. Click finish and you're done! Give it a little while before you try test posting- things don't happen instantaneously on the internet!

protip: you can go to your settings tab and type a secret email address to send posts to and it will update that way, too!