to the LSU Minden Main Street Workshop. Students and faculty from the LSU School of Architecture will be working and living in Minden for two weeks to provide assistance to Minden Louisiana Main Street in their efforts to cultivate a resilient community. This program is funded in part through a grant awarded to the LSU Office of Community Design and Development from the National Endowment for the Arts. The Minden Main Street Workshop is the first in a series of workshops to connect environmentally responsible design practices with historic preservation strategies to accelerate sustainable development in Louisiana's small towns and cities. For more information, please contact the Office of Community Design and Development.

Friday, December 17, 2010


Team Webb Hardware

So it warmed up for a bit, but now it is back to being cold. When we got here we had a to do list, which consisted of sketching out plans that show circulation and room placement, a section sketch, and a collage of how each group member views the interior courtyard. We basically got all of it done, but encountered some major problems for the interior courtyard. For instance, we are having issues with the fire escape stairways because we need them to be up to code as well as not compromising the structural integrity of the building (placement). Also, we have to keep in mind how the commercial properties on the first floor will be affected by our design. The team has just arrived to that stage of design where more problems are popping up, but we are slowly coming to solutions that will really enhance the environment of this space.

"Conceptual Design, the element which holds design together."
-Lestar Martin, Architect

(The picture is for Rhett's mommy)